Current Graduate Students
Sydney Greenwood | 2nd Year
B.A. History, Purdue University
I chose to specialize in this region because Eastern Europe has such a rich history and has been involved in so many global conflicts but is not well known outside of some history classes. My ancestors also emigrated to the United States from the region, and I love exploring the region through family recipes. More about Sydney >>
Mario Sanchez Isabas | 2nd Year
B.A. History and Public Policy, Washington & Jefferson College
My research interests lie within the transnational historical framework, specifically with Latin America, the former Soviet Union, and the current Russian Federation. I am most interested in Soviet Cold War Internationalism and Russian Internationalism. My current research delves into the Soviet use of academic opportunities and foreign study programs in the “third world” as a form of soft diplomacy. More about Mario >>
Katherine Kingma | 2nd Year
B.A. History, Oberlin College
I am interested in political philosophy at the turn of the 20th century, disinformation, and Soviet Art. I like the flexibility in what courses could be taken in the program and that I can incorporate interests in tech and other disciplines. More about Kate >>
Elizabeth Grace Newhall | 2nd Year
B.A. Anthropology and German Literature and Culture, UNC-Chapel Hill
I have a deep fascination with understanding and solving social issues which plague our entire world. Eastern Europe in particular has had such a different approach from the United States to many of these issues. Understanding how the history and culture of a region impacts their approach to income disparity, discrimination, homelessness and access to healthcare is vital to addressing injustices. More about Grace >>
Natalya Ryan | 2nd Year
B.A. History, UNC-Wilmington
I enjoyed the wide variety of research specialties, robust Slavic language programs, and the personable (yet professional) culture among faculty and students. My research path is not yet set. However, I am interested in the themes of nationalism, legal history, and the role of religion in shaping culture and politics. More about Natalya >>
McLean Brown | 1st Year
B.A. Russian Studies, University of South Carolina
I have always been fascinated by Russia, and my studies of the area led me to researching Central Asia. I believe that this part of the world is largely overlooked. I am interested in nation-building, national identity, and nationalism in Kazakhstan, as well as the relationship between these topics and current social and political issues in the country. More about McLean >>
Daniel Joseph Desjarlais | 1st Year
B.A. International Relations, High Point University
During my sophomore year, I took a Middle Eastern History class on the Ottoman Empire and early Turkish history. That class deepened my interest in Turkey, so I began an independent study of the Turkish language. When I was awarded a Boren Scholarship, I was finally able to study abroad in Baku, Azerbaijan. I absolutely loved my time in Baku, and it furthered my desire to study the Eurasian region at the graduate level. More about Daniel >>
Torri Gragg | 1st Year
B.A. International Studies, UNC Wilmington
I am interested in contemporary Russia, military/intelligence capabilities, and U.S.-Russian relations since the Cold War. I appreciate the emphasis on language learning and interdisciplinary studies in the REEES program.
More about Torri >>
Sarah Lantsman | 1st Year
B.A. Art History and Political Science, University of Florida
In my graduate coursework at UNC, I hope to focus on interpreting actions within Eastern Europe’s civil society through which I can gain valuable insights into the region’s rich visual and material culture. I am excited to gain a foundation and deep understanding of Eastern European politics and history, which will eventually underscore my future PhD research highlighting Ukrainian Art History. More about Sarah >>
Sara Thompson | 1st Year
B.A. History, George Mason University
I would say that I’m a historian, first and foremost; my undergraduate honors thesis was about the participation of women in the Bosnian War (1992-1995). My primary interests are in the medieval-to-modern history of southeastern Europe, particularly the former Yugoslavia. More about Sara >>