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Q: Where did you study as an undergraduate? What was your major(s)?

I completed my undergraduate studies in International Relations at North Carolina State University, with a minor in Russian Studies.

Q: What do you like about the UNC graduate program in Russian and East European Studies?

The committed faculty, broad array of resources and opportunities, and the overall strength of the program are it’s biggest selling points.

Q: Why did you choose to specialize in this region of the globe?

I was born in Eastern Europe, have spent significant amount of time there, and have always had a passion for the history and politics of the region.

Q: Do you have work and/or study experience in the region?

I recently worked in Warsaw for the Polish Foreign Ministry.

Q: What are your research interests?

Geopolitical conflicts, the process of democratization, and the future of Eastern European politics.

Q: What would you like to do after you graduate?

I would love to work for the State Department’s Foreign Service.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you like doing in your free time?

I enjoy reading, sailing, kayaking, and of course travel.

Q. What is your favorite visual reminder of the region and why?

My father has some great photographs of him as a young man (rocking an incredible mustache) taken in both Poland and the USSR.