All events will take place in Toy Lounge, on the top floor of Dey Hall, UNC Campus. Please note that, except for the talks given by Pieter Judson and Zuzana Schrieberová, participants will give an overview of their projects, but will not read a formal paper. Instead, papers or book chapters will be circulated ahead of time to those who are interested in attending and participating in the discussion. Please contact Professor Chad Bryant for more information (
Friday, April 29
10:00 Habsburg-era Localities
- Mira Markham (UNC-Chapel Hill)
“Myths and Legends from Moravian Wallachia” - Kevin J. Hoeper (UNC-Chapel Hill),
“Na zdar našeho pluku: Hometown Regiments and Public Military Ritual in Habsburg Bohemia”
11:30 Lunch
1:00 “Ukrainian Refugees in the Czech Republic: Experiences and Reactions”
- Zoom conversation with Zuzana Schrieberová, Multikulturní Centrum Praha. Register here
2:30 Break
3:00: Singing the Nation
- Christopher Campo-Bowen (Virginia Tech)
“‘The Nation has Occupied the Theater’: Ethnicity, Property, and Opera in the First Czechoslovak Republic”
4:15 Break
5:00: Keynote Lecture
- Pieter Judson (European University Institute)
“Learning to Forget Empire: Habsburg Central Europe’s Global and Imperial Pasts”
Saturday, April 30
9:00 Post-World War II Urban Frames
- Patrícia Fogelová (Institute of Social Sciences CSPS SAS, Košice)
“Ethnic and Political Cleansing in Post-WWII Košice, Czechoslovakia: Local Elites, Civil Service, and Public Space” - Tereza Juhászová (Charles University)
“A Microhistory of Post-World War II Coexistence in an East Slovak Small Town
10:30 Break
11:00 Visual Interpretations
- Tess Megginson (UNC-Chapel Hill)
“New Borders and New Identities: Illustrative Cultural Maps in the Interwar Period” - Tanya Silverman (University of Michigan)
“Věra Chytilová and Spectrums of Filmic (Sur)realism”
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Transnational and Comparative Perspectives
- Ron Leonhardt (Albany State University)
“The Dueling Monarchies: Czech-Cambodian Relations during the Early Cold War” - Jessie Barton Hronešová, (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellow at UNC-Chapel Hill/ Ca’ Foscari University)
“’Victimhood, Hegemony and Ontological Security in Central and Eastern Europe”
3:00 Final Thoughts
Other workshop discussants/participants
Chad Bryant (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Melissa Feinberg (Rutgers University)
Cynthia Paces (The College of New Jersey)
Hana Pichová (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Jindřich Toman (University of Michigan)
Chad Bryant (History, UNC-Chapel Hill)
Tess Megginson (History, UNC-Chapel Hill)
Hana Pichová (German and Slavic Literatures and Languages, UNC-Chapel Hill)
Kirill Tolpygo (Slavic and East European Studies Librarian, UNC Libraries)
This year’s Czech and Slovak Workshop has relied on generous funding from the Center for European Studies; the Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies; the Department of History; the College of Arts and Sciences; the North Carolina Germans Studies series; the Czechoslovak Studies Association; Vice Provost’s Office for Global Affairs; the Department of German and Slavic Literatures and Languages; the Department of Music; and Slovak Studies Studies Association.