The submission period is now open for the 17th annual amateur Carolina Global Photography Competition. The competition is open to all students, faculty, alumni and staff of UNC-Chapel Hill. You can submit photos from anywhere around the world, but we want to see yours from Russia, Eurasia and Eastern Europe! CSEEES has the chance to choose a photo for honorable mention in the Global Photo Competition. Submit your photos to the Global Photography Competition by September 30, 2016.
There is no restriction on the time period in which the photograph was taken. Entries will be judged on artistic merit and context. Special consideration will be given to images that are distinctive and embrace new perspectives.
For more details and to submit photos, please visit
The Carolina Global Photography Competition is a collaborative effort of the following UNC departments and centers: African Studies Center; Carolina Asia Center; Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations; Center for European Studies; Center for Global Initiatives; Center for Slavic, Eurasian and East European Studies; Curriculum in Global Studies; Global Research Institute and the Food Theme Steering Committee; Institute for the Study of the Americas; International Student and Scholar Services; Study Abroad Office; and UNC Global.